从视力估算的距离估计对于无数机器人应用,例如导航,操纵和计划是基础。受哺乳动物的视觉系统的启发,凝视着特定物体,我们开发了两个新颖的限制,涉及我们称为$ \ tau $ -constraint和$ \ phi $ -constraint的涉及时间接​​触,加速和距离(移动)相机在仅使用一小部分图像时有效,准确地估算深度。我们通过两个实验成功地验证了所提出的约束。第一个使用单眼摄像机和惯性测量单元(IMU)在轨迹估计任务中应用两个约束。我们的方法的平均轨迹误差降低了30-70%,而运行25美元$ \ times $和6.2 $ \ times $ $ $ \ times $的速度分别比流行的视觉惯性探测方法VINS-MONO和ROVIO。第二个实验表明,当约束用来带有反馈的反馈副本时,所得的闭环系统的特征值是对应用控制信号的缩放的不变性。我们认为这些结果表明$ \ tau $和$ \ phi $约束的潜力是多种机器人应用的强大和有效算法的基础。
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Neural Representations have recently been shown to effectively reconstruct a wide range of signals from 3D meshes and shapes to images and videos. We show that, when adapted correctly, neural representations can be used to directly represent the weights of a pre-trained convolutional neural network, resulting in a Neural Representation for Neural Networks (NeRN). Inspired by coordinate inputs of previous neural representation methods, we assign a coordinate to each convolutional kernel in our network based on its position in the architecture, and optimize a predictor network to map coordinates to their corresponding weights. Similarly to the spatial smoothness of visual scenes, we show that incorporating a smoothness constraint over the original network's weights aids NeRN towards a better reconstruction. In addition, since slight perturbations in pre-trained model weights can result in a considerable accuracy loss, we employ techniques from the field of knowledge distillation to stabilize the learning process. We demonstrate the effectiveness of NeRN in reconstructing widely used architectures on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet. Finally, we present two applications using NeRN, demonstrating the capabilities of the learned representations.
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In 2019 Kerdels and Peters proposed a grid cell model (GCM) based on a Differential Growing Neural Gas (DGNG) network architecture as a computationally efficient way to model an Autoassociative Memory Cell (AMC) \cite{Kerdels_Peters_2019}. An important feature of the DGNG architecture with respect to possible applications in the field of computational neuroscience is its \textit{capacity} refering to its capability to process and uniquely distinguish input signals and therefore obtain a valid representation of the input space. This study evaluates the capacity of a two layered DGNG grid cell model on the Fashion-MNIST dataset. The focus on the study lies on the variation of layer sizes to improve the understanding of capacity properties in relation to network parameters as well as its scaling properties. Additionally, parameter discussions and a plausability check with a pixel/segment variation method are provided. It is concluded, that the DGNG model is able to obtain a meaningful and plausible representation of the input space and to cope with the complexity of the Fashion-MNIST dataset even at moderate layer sizes.
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电力系统状态估计面临着不同类型的异常。这些可能包括由总测量错误或通信系统故障引起的不良数据。根据实施的状态估计方法,负载或发电的突然变化可以视为异常。此外,将电网视为网络物理系统,状态估计变得容易受到虚假数据注射攻击的影响。现有的异常分类方法无法准确对上述三种异常进行分类(区分),尤其是在歧视突然的负载变化和虚假数据注入攻击时。本文提出了一种用于检测异常存在,对异常类型进行分类并识别异常起源的新算法更改或通过错误数据注入攻击针对的状态变量。该算法结合了分析和机器学习(ML)方法。第一阶段通过组合$ \ chi^2 $检测指数来利用一种分析方法来检测异常存在。第二阶段利用ML进行异常类型的分类和其来源的识别,特别是指突然负载变化和错误数据注射攻击的歧视。提出的基于ML的方法经过训练,可以独立于网络配置,该网络配置消除了网络拓扑变化后算法的重新训练。通过在IEEE 14总线测试系统上实施拟议的算法获得的结果证明了拟议算法的准确性和有效性。
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在这项工作中,我们探讨了叙事分析中通道间分歧的来源,鉴于文本中是否存在叙事情节的问题。为此,我们提出了一种将现有注释概念分解为两个单独级别的方法:(1)\ textbf {是否存在叙事图,以及(2)\ textbf {prot存在于文本中。我们将此方法应用于带有三个不同叙事绘图元素注释的句子的现有数据集:\ textit {homesisions},\ textit {nesolution {nosolution}和\ textit {success}。然后,我们采用统计分析,以量化两个级别中的每个级别可以解释多少通道分歧。我们进一步对每个级别的分歧案例进行定性分析,观察几种分歧来源,例如文本歧义,方案定义和注释者之间的个人差异。在数据集上收集的见解可能有助于减少未来注释努力中的通道间分歧。最后,我们在研究和评估其他环境中研究和评估通知者分歧方面的潜在含义进行了更广泛的讨论。
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Graph-based learning is a rapidly growing sub-field of machine learning with applications in social networks, citation networks, and bioinformatics. One of the most popular models is graph attention networks. They were introduced to allow a node to aggregate information from features of neighbor nodes in a non-uniform way, in contrast to simple graph convolution which does not distinguish the neighbors of a node. In this paper, we study theoretically this expected behaviour of graph attention networks. We prove multiple results on the performance of graph attention mechanism for the problem of node classification for a contextual stochastic block model. Here the node features are obtained from a mixture of Gaussians and the edges from a stochastic block model. We show that in an "easy" regime, where the distance between the means of the Gaussians is large enough, graph attention is able to distinguish inter-class from intra-class edges, and thus it maintains the weights of important edges and significantly reduces the weights of unimportant edges. Consequently, we show that this implies perfect node classification. In the "hard" regime, we show that every attention mechanism fails to distinguish intra-class from inter-class edges. We evaluate our theoretical results on synthetic and real-world data.
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谷歌的运营洪水预测系统是制定的,为机构和公众提供准确的实时洪水警告,重点是河流洪水在大型潮流的河流中。它在2018年开始运作,自从地理位置扩展以来。该预测系统由四个子系统组成:数据验证,阶段预测,淹没建模和警报分配。机器学习用于两个子系统。阶段预测采用长短期内存(LSTM)网络和线性模型进行建模。使用阈值和歧管模型计算洪水淹没,前者计算淹没程度,后者计算淹没程度和深度。本文首次提供的歧管模型提供了一种机器学习替代洪水淹没的液压建模。在评估历史数据时,所有型号都可以实现可操作使用的足够高的度量指标。 LSTM表现出比线性模型更高的技能,而阈值和歧管模型达到了类似的性能度量,以便在淹没程度上进行建模。在2021年的季风季节期间,洪水预警系统在印度和孟加拉国运营,覆盖河流的洪水区,总面积287,000平方公里,拥有350多万人。超过100米的洪水警报被发送给受影响的人口,相关当局以及紧急组织。系统上的当前和未来的工作包括将覆盖范围扩展到额外的洪水易发位置,以及提高建模能力和准确性。
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